Research And Methodological Innovations

Undertake and promote basic, applied, adaptive, strategic and anticipatory research in survey statistics, quantitative analysis and related fields and to address the problems of appropriate data requirement and providing robust estimates of the measurable social and economic indicators at different levels of planning to the planners and policy makers for ensuring desired growth with social justice and for reducing the regional imbalances.

List of completed Research Studies

  1. Statistical Solution on Development of Process for Assessment and Post Test Interpretation of Marks and Equivalent Scores in Large-scale Competitive Examinations by Inferential Survey Statistics and Research Foundation (ISS&RF) for All India Management Association (AIMA)
  2. A Report on Differences in the Difficulty Level of Two Exams Conducted in February and May 2020 involving Computer Based Test (CBT), Paper based Test (PBT) and Internet Based Test (IBT).