Memorandum of Research Agreement with (ICRIER)

Inferential Survey Statistics and Research Foundation (ISS&RF) has signed a memorandum of a research agreement with the  Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) on  2nd November 2020 to carry out the joint research studies titled “Study on Livelihood of Migrants and Re-migrants”, “Analysis of Structure and Determinants of Farmers Income” and “Review of Existing Methodology for Construction of Food Price Index and Development of Methodology for Forecasting of Inflation for a few Select Commodities”.

Dr. B. B. Singh, of ISS&RF and Prof. Ashok Gulati of ICRIER, will be the Project Directors. This project will be fully financed by ICRIER. ISS&RF looks forward to completing the project as per its vision and mission.

Similar collaborations are welcomed from other research institutions.